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Publications and

Conference Papers


Gillespie, R. and Bennett, J. (2017) Costs and Benefits of Rodent Eradication on Lord Howe Island, Australia, Ecological Economics, 140, 215-224.


Gillespie, R. (2015) Mining Offsets in NSW, In: Protecting the Environment, Privately, Ed. Bennett, J., World Scientific Publishing, UK.


Gillespie, R. and Bennett, J. (2015) Challenges in including BCA in planning approval processes: Coal mine projects in New South Wales, Australia, Journal of Benefit Cost Analysis, Vol. 6(2).


Gillespie, R. and Bennett, J. (2014) Benefit Cost Analysis of Coal Mine Projects in New South Wales, Australia, presented to the Sixth Annual Conference and Meeting of the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis, George Washington University, Washington DC.


Gillespie, R. and Bennett, J. (2012) Willingness to pay for kerbside recycling in Brisbane, Australia, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-16.


Gillespie, R. and Kragt, M. (2012) Accounting for nonmarket impacts in a benefit-cost analysis of underground coal mining in New South Wales, Australia, Journal of Benefit Cost Analysis, 3(2): article 4.


Gillespie, R. and Bennett, J. (2012) Valuing the Environmental, Cultural and Social Impacts of Open Cut Coal Mining in the Hunter Valley of NSW, Australia, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, Volume 1,  Issue 3, 1-13.


Gillespie, R. and Bennett, J. (2010) Non Use Economic Values Of Marine Protected Areas In The South-West Marine Region , Environmental Economics Research Hub.


Gillespie, R. and Bennett, J. (2010) Willingness to Pay for Recycling Food Waste, Environmental Economics Research Hub.


Gillespie, R. and Bennett, J. (2011) Willingness to Pay for Kerbside Recycling, Environmental Economics Research Hub.


Gillespie, R. and Kragt, M. (2010) Valuing the Impacts of Underground Coal Mining in the Southern Coalfield, Paper Presented At The 54th AARES Conference, Adelaide, Australia, February 2010


Gillespie, R. (2008) Estimating Community Values for Environmental Impacts of Mining Using Choice Modelling, NSW Minerals Council Environment and Community Conference 2008.


Crase, L. and Gillespie, R. (2007) The impact of water quality and water level on the recreation values of Lake Hume, Australasian Journal Of Environmental Management—Volume 15, pg. 31-39.


Bennett, J., Dumsday, R. and Gillespie, R. (2008) Australian Economic Development and the Environment: Conflict or Synergy, Presented At The 52nd AARES Conference, Canberra, Australia, February 2008


Bennett, J., Dumsday, R. and Gillespie, R. (2008) Analysing Options for the Red Gum Forests Along the Murray River,  Presented At The 52nd AARES Conference, Canberra, Australia, February 2008


Gillespie. R. (2008) Economics of Global Warming, paper to be presented at the 52nd AARES Conference, Canberra, Australia, February 2008


Gillespie, R. (2007) Mine Subsidence At Waratah Rivulet: A Case Study Of The Consideration Of Environmental Costs And Benefits Of Underground Longwall Mining, presented to the Mine Subsidence Technical Society Conference, Wollongong, 26-27 November.


Crase, L. and Gillespie, R (2006) A Preliminary Consideration of Use and Non-Use Values Circumscribing the Lake Hume Water and Foreshore Management Plan, Presented to the 2006

Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Conference, Melbourne.


Gillespie, R (2004) Economic evaluation and market based instruments, Journal of Ecological Management and Restoration, V5, Issue 3, pg 225.


Gillespie, R. (2004) Linking Science, Community Consultation and Economics: The Living Murray Project, Presented to the 2004 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Conference, Melbourne.


Gillespie, R. (2002) Measuring the Benefits of Reticulated Sewerage: Expectations and Expert Property Valuation, Presented to the 2002 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Conference, Canberra.


Gillespie, R. (2000) Multi-criteria Analysis: A Critique from an Economist’s Perspective,  Presented to the 2000 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Conference, Adelaide.


Gillespie, R (2000) The Economic Values of Native Vegetation, Background Paper No. 4, Native Vegetation Advisory Council of NSW.


Gillespie, R. (1999) What do I need to know about benefit cost analysis? In: Valuing Tourism: Methods and Techniques, Bureau of Tourism Research, Occasional Paper No. 28, Edited by Corcoran, K., Allcock, A., Frost, T., and Johnson, L.


Gillespie, R. and Bennett, J. (1999) Using Contingent Valuation to Estimate Environmental Improvements Associated with Wastewater Treatment, Australian Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 14 - 20.


Gillespie, R. (1997) The Economic Value and Regional Economic Impact of Minnamurra Rainforest Centre, Budderoo National Park, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Environmental Economics Series.


Bennett, J., Gillespie, R., Powell, R. and Chalmers, L. 1995 The Economic Value and Regional Economic Impact of National Parks. Australian Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 229-239.


Bennett, J., Gillespie, R., Powell, R. and Chalmers, L. 1995 The Economic Value and Regional Economic Impact of National Parks. Proceedings of Ecological Economics Conference, Coffs Harbour 1995.


Gillespie, R. (1993) Do Retail Hierarchies Exist? An Investigation in the Epping-Eastwood-Ryde Area, Land Economics Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp 24-30.



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